I like what Lisa says in this lesson,
"our God is one of present-tense. There is no situation where you have ever been, are in now, or are going any time in your future where He will not prove Himself to be a current solution... God's eyes are ever on you, even in the west side of the wilderness and for everything you are not - He IS. He can and will redeem a life not lived for Him and use it for His present glory but just like Moses, sometimes that calls for a cleansing."
1. How current is your God? Is he up to date on all your issues or do you have old hurts you still hold behind your back?
HE is current on all issues that are known to me past and present. But I bet there's at least one that I'm not aware of and is affecting me. I'm praying for God to reveal.
2. Has the enemy ever told you there are situations that are 'old news' that are better left stuffed down? Or perhaps because they were so long ago they can't possibly be affecting you now?
Yes. Good thing is I'm an emotional person and when my emotions are affected I pray and God reveals after a while and I surrender. I truly believe in God's inner healing and that we need it.
3. In the matter of established authority, does God truly reign in your life? Where are you when He calls your name?
In my heart He does. My problem is discipline and dwelling in His Word and working out my faith. When He calls even though I may resist at first (and for goodness knows how long) but ultimately I'll say yes, at least I hope I will. He's my God.
4. Do you ever feel God has forgotten you in your 'west side of the wilderness'?
Yes. I talked about this in the last lesson.
5. Have you ever experienced a time of cleansing where God has illuminated and rejuvenated you? If not, do you find you are in need of this now?
Yes I've experienced it. Not sure if I DON'T need it now again.
Thank you for your honesty! I love the truth that rings from your answers. God bless you!
'My problem is discipline and dwelling in His Word and working out my faith'
Doesn't it feel great to know you aren't alone? :)
Thanks so much for hanging in with us...I always enjoy your answers...
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