Friday, 27 July 2007

'When Life Doesn't Work Out Like You Planned' Part 1

It's lesson time for me again - Lesson 3 - "When Life Doesn't Work Out Like You Planned" Part 1.

It was stated in the Lesson that God has made you "once, twice, three times a lady." Where are you in this progression? Obviously we have all been physically born, but are you 'twice a lady'? Have you been born again spiritually?
Yes I have born again spiritually. I accepted Christ at 13 years of age a LONG time ago! Straight away I was a fervent Christian but I think along the way I had misconceptions of God's love. I had a more legalistic view and without knowing was striving to merit His love and acceptance by works. It was only in when I was 21 that I finally understood the meaning of God's grace and accepting His unconditional love. I went through some personal wilderness, was a mild case of "prodigal daughter" before I came to that realisation.

Are you three times a lady? Has God given you a stirring deep within your Spirit to be a 'deliverer'? Do you have a desire or are you already meeting a need in the life of the church, a particular ministry (such as jail ministry, food ministry, etc.) or perhaps individuals who share common issues?
I can't quite answer this just yet. It seems that God is stirring something in me very very recently esp since I started this bible study and reading some devotional material. I have vague impressions here and there but need more time to know. Just like Moses had that stirring at 40, I feel that God is only starting to stir me now and very much through this bible study. I believe He led me here.

Do you ever get tired of waiting for that opportunity to do something
worthwhile for God? Do you ever feel God is using someone else instead of you?

Yes for a while now. But that is changing, this bible study has renewed my spirit and I'm singing "I have a destiny I know I shall fulfill. I have a destiny in that city on a hill. I have a destiny. It's not an empty wish for I know I was born for such a time as this."

What do you consider 'worthwhile ministry'? Are you like me and sometimes find yourself mistakenly thinking it has to be Big to be Important?
I'm very like you and have to keep reminding myself otherwise.

Have you ever taken a spiritual gifts test? If yes, what are yours? If no, here's a good one from Ephesians 4 Ministry. Will you take it and come back with a response?
I took the test at Ephesians 4 Ministry and apparently my no.1 dominant gift is showing mercy and no.2 is pastoring/sheperding.

Saturday, 21 July 2007

Beautiful To God

Here I am back again doing the "I AM" online bible study. Today I move on to Lesson 2: Beautiful To God.

The scriptures leapt out at me. It's so beautiful and nourishing to read
"For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the afflicted ones with salvation." Psalm 149:4

What is your initial response when anyone suggests you are beautiful?
It depends on when and by whom. If it's coming from someone close it lifts my spirits and kinda jolt me into thinking, "yeah, I'm not as bad as I think I am." But on BAD days when I feel terribly guilty about something I've done, I'd think, "yah right!"

Do you find you engage in a lot of negative 'self-talk'? How much of your thought life does this form of thinking consume?
Again I'd do it if I feel guilty about something I've done. Just yesterday I felt so guilty about losing my temper with my little girl when I was having such a hard time feeding her. I kept thinking, "oh, I'm a terrible mom." Yeah, I know it's not right and it's only by praying, asking God to forgive me and accepting His forgiveness that I can forgive myself. It's something I've to work at time and again.

Has it ever occurred to you that you are a City Girl? How do you plan to use this knowledge?
City Girl conjures a whole different image for me as compared to the one described in the study as "high-born daughters of the King and when people look at us they are to see peace and joy in our countenance in such a measure they will say, "Wow, she isn't from around here is she? That, girls, is the kind of gorgeous we are after". It's been my resolution this year to live in the presence of God. I know that it's only by keeping close to Him then can I shine the peace and joy that comes from within. I've been there before but have let the busyness of life pull me away. So I'm taking baby steps to try and dwell in His presence daily. Unfortunately self discipline is one virtue I sorely lack!

In what ways has your view of Godly beauty changed as a result of these Scriptures?
It's reminded me not to be too caught up with the worldly standards, i.e. not to be obsessed with my weight, body, face, etc. I don't have to be "perfect" or strive to be "perfect". In God's eyes I'm beautiful. I think I need to say it again to let it sink in... In God's eyes I'm beautiful.

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Please leave comments for "I Am Your Beauty" post here

I'm sorry, it was my first time posting over here at blogger and I accidentally left out comments thingy. I would really love to read any comments you would have for my "I Am Your Beauty" post. Please leave them here.


Monday, 16 July 2007

I Am Your Beauty

This is a response to a bible study I found on The Preacher's Wife blog. She's currently running the "I Am So You Don't Have To Be" bible study at her site.

I cried when I went through Lesson One: I Am Your Beauty. It's because I discovered a week ago that one of girlfriends way back in school, with whom I've lost touch, committed suicide (read more about it here). She's not a believer. It broke my heart. Yes, she's one I've lost to the enemy. We (a few of us) shared Christ with her back then but she didn't accept Him. You can say, we did our "job" then but still how my heart is aching now. I just keep wanting to say "sorry" to God and her.

So yes, I am committed more than ever now to be His "yes" girl. I'll pray more and make more time to just sit at his feet so that I am ready and will not miss those unrecurring events. Please pray with me. It's difficult as a stay-home-mom to get away from the daily chores to be with Him. When I get my "me" time, I just use it to rest, watch TV read or blog. Please pray I'll take some of that time to sit with Him instead.

I'm thankful to have found The Preacher's Wife blog and study. It indeed was a divine meeting. God bless.